Saturday, April 19, 2008

Triathlon Training

Ben and I officially started training for our triathlon this week, and it's basically kicking our trash! (well, I'll speak for myself, it's kicking MY trash) I've never done any type of triathlon before, so it's all a little new for me. I'm not too worried about the biking or the running, but the swimming is killing me. I frequently feel like I'm drowning, or hyperventilating, or something else really scary! It's not that I don't know how to swim, it's just that I have NO endurance for it.

Anyway....I bought Ben his birthday present today, even though his birthday isn't till June. I decided I would get him a bike, since I love biking, and we needed to start training for the triathlon anyway. The weather has been so beautiful lately that we really just wanted to get out and ride. Ben did tons of research and found a sweet deal on a mountain bike and we went and picked it up today. We went out for our first ride, and it was so fun. As it turns out, I don't think Ben and I have ever biked together. I biked tons on my mission, and then back and forth a lot to school when I got home, but since Ben didn't have a bike of his own, we never went out together.

We had a great time riding, and I'm sure there will be many more rides to come. The view of the lake with the sunset in the background was seriously spectacular.

We finished off the night with a quick stop off at McDonalds! Nothing like ending a good work out with a cheese burger right? (how gross are we!) We actually had a good excuse; one of the YW that actually just got baptized works there on Saturday nights from 4pm-2am. Can you believe that. She is so diligent, she never even misses church! Anyway, is was fun to see her, and as socially unacceptable as it is, I have to admit I do love McDonalds!


Burke family said...

Wow! Good for you! I'm impressed... you are ambitious! But knowing you guys, I am just sure you will do awesome! When is the triathalon? And can I just say that I love Kunz sportin' the Blazers shirt in so many pictures! Glad to see he's still showing his P-town pride! We love ya man!

Katie said...

You guys are doing a Triathlon? Wow! Are you jumping in with the full deal or starting out with a "mini"?

Anonymous said...

Tell me how the training goes for the swimming part. ;)

Nat said...

Good luck with your training! I love that you finished your workout with a cheeseburger. I love McDonald's too!

Annette said...

I have been telling myself I'll do a triathlon... someday. Good for you guys for actually doing it! Which one are you racing? I would love to get a good cheering section together for you two on race day!

Unknown said...

You are so hardcore! And you look adorable in your biking gear. I must admit that I like McDonald's too... those chicken mcnuggets w/ sweet & sour sauce always get me :) Can't wait to hear how the traithalon goes. I REALLY want to get bikes for our family, but I don't think I'll ever get up the strength to train for a triathalon. Good for you!