197 Miles
12,000 Runners
3,500 Volunteers
28th Annual Year
Largest Relay in the World
I'm obsessed! This past weekend Ben and I, along with a team of ten other people ran the Hood to Coast relay in Portland, aka "The Mother of all Relays" (no really, that's what it's called).3,500 Volunteers
28th Annual Year
Largest Relay in the World
I'm convinced I will run this race many, many more times in the future. I'm also convinced we will live in Portland some day. I love everything about that city!
Our team started the race at 10:30am on Friday morning and finished at 4:00pm on Saturday. There was someone running from our team during that entire time. We each ran three legs, spaced anywhere between 8-12 hours apart, and covering anywhere between 15-20 miles total. We ran in the sun, in the rain, during the day, at night, in the cold, in the hot, through trees, down mountains, and finally ended at the beach. It was an unforgettable weekend.
We were lucky enough to run on our friend Chris' family team. His dad has run the Hood to Coast 20 consecutive years. He says this year was his last...but we'll see! I wouldn't put it past Romney to run again next year!
I love this video because it captures so much of the spirit of the race.