It was so fun watching her open presents. At first she wasn't too sure what was going on...but as soon as the paper came off, and she realized there were new toys and books for her to play with, she was SO excited!!

One of Lexi's presents came gift wrapped from Amazon in a big blue bag. She was so curious to see what was inside, she basically crawled into the bag. Once she discovered it was a big yellow school bus, she couldn't get to it fast enough. I love the way she's hanging off Ben's leg, as if to say "faster Dad, faster!"

Baby Stella was a HUGE hit! I was afraid she was maybe too little to be interested in a doll...but she was so excited! Mind you, she had no idea what to do with it, but she couldn't stop laughing and talking to it. I couldn't have asked for a better reaction!

Thanks to everyone who made Alexis' birthday celebration so special. We are so happy to have such a spunky little girl in our family!