Ben graduated from UVM in May. Was had such a fun time celebrating with family and friends. I was an emotional wreck that day! I'm blaming it on pregnancy....but it probably had much more to do with the reality of leaving so much behind that we had grown to love. Moving is so fun, but it sure was hard to say goodbye to a beautiful state, close friends, and such an incredibly rewarding job.

Saying good-bye to co-workers and students was probably the hardest part of moving. My job is the one thing I miss every single day. I have to just focus on how lucky I was to be a part of such a great studio for three years, and realize that new opportunities will come my way....some day!
As for right now...I'm just trying to figure out what those opportunities might be!
The move to Phoenix was EVENTFUL, to say the least! Ben made the long drive across country, all by only three days! He's way hardcore. I'm so glad my trip only took me 5 hours. I'm anything but hardcore!
We were anxious for our belongings to arrive...but disappointed to find out our mountain bikes had been stolen off the moving truck, our tv had been smashed and our car that was towed, showed up in Phoenix not working. Not exactly what we were hoping for! (not to mention I was sentimentally attached to our bikes since I had ridden mine through college and my mission, and Ben's was a birthday present I bought him a year ago. SAD)
But alas...turns out they were only material belongings, and life goes on.
That being said...we'll definitely be looking for a different moving company come June, when we head back east.
We also found out a few weeks ago that we're having a GIRL! We would have been excited about either, obviously....but I feel great about the shopping possibilities that a girl gives us!
Ben started his intern year the middle of June and has been working like crazy. He is so really amazes me. He works 80 hour work week, has one day off in about every 8 or 9, works every weekend, and yet he tells people it's just not that bad! All I can say is I'm glad that all of residency won't be like this! He is gone ALL the time!
We're loving the AZ heat. People here sure complain about it a lot...but it's still pretty new to us. We have no problem being out in it! On Ben's days off, we almost always get in a round of golf and some serious pool time! Not to mention we try to go to the movies as often as we can. I think we're realizing that November is coming sooner than we think!