Monday, October 27, 2008

And the winner is...

Last Thursday Ben's intramural football team won the championship for the second year in a row. Their team, comprised of medical students and residents has basically dominated intramural football for the last three years (with the exception of losing the championship the first year). To be precise...their record over the last three years is 17 and 1. Not bad huh!
If you know Ben very well, you know that he LOVES intramural sports. I am sure that when we leave Vermont he will be very sad to see his intramural days come to a close!
It's been so fun watching all of the games this year with fellow medical friends. Last year all of the games were right in the middle of my teaching schedule, and I didn't make it to a single one. It was really sad! So I was thrill when I found out all of his games were at 8:00 this year...minus the fact that it has been freezing cold at 8:00 the last couple of weeks!

Luckily we don't have to be too sad that football is over since 3 on 3 basketball starts this week! These sporting events really do end up being one of the highlights of my week. I get to catch up with good friends, Ben gets to play sports, and we quite frequently find an excuse to go out for ice cream or something afterward! It's a win-win-win situation!

Here are some a couple of pictures of the football team, and the girls freezing to death on the sidelines. It couldn't have been more that 30 degrees that night!

We also went to Boston this past weekend for my nephew's 2nd birthday. As always, we loved being in Boston with family. Highlights of course included watching Wonder Pets and the Curious George movie, playing at the park, taking a walk around Fresh Pond, eating at Sound Bites, checking out my sister's new house, and just hanging out with the cutest little boy ever. We also managed to fit the temple into our busy play schedule. I just love the Boston temple. It is so beautiful!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Why I don't cook...and other random food facts

Lately I've been trying to get at the root of why I don't cook. It's one of those things that you're just supposed to do. Everyone does's like it's not really an option NOT to. Except for me. I usually choose NOT to.
My recent reflection on the topic has brought me to several conclusions:

1) It always tastes better when someone else makes it
2) If I didn't prepare it, I don't know how bad it is for me
3) Cooking takes time...something I don't have a lot of
4) When I make the time for it, I usually make a huge mess, and end up running to the store at least twice, usually three times because somehow I failed to bring my list with me AGAIN
5) Eating out is more fun

The problem for me is finding the right time to cook. Most normal people with normal jobs get home at 5 or 6, a logical time to prepare and eat dinner. I on the other hand get home at 8:00 or 8:30 most nights. The thought of preparing, cooking, eating and cleaning up a meal at that point is so unappealing.
I've tried the whole "prepare the meal before I leave and have Ben cook it while I'm on my way home" thing...and it works alright, but it's finding time BEFORE work that poses the challenge in this scenario. If I'm not working at BR, I'm mostly likely to be found cleaning the house, doing the laundry, working on YW stuff or running one of those million errands we all find we have to run.
The summer was great. I think I cooked everyday! That was back when I wasn't really working much.
Here's the bottom line...we make time for what's important to us. Cooking for this point in my life....not that important. It's not that I don't like it, or I don't know how to do it, it's just not a priority.
That being said....I did cook two meals this week, and we've eaten leftovers the other two days, so I guess there is time, but I think that phase is over.
Maybe what I ought to do is find a happy medium between cooking everyday, and eating out everyday. Hmm...there's an idea.

Other food notes...

In case someone is worried that Ben has a neglectful wife who doesn't feed him...I do make him a lunch everyday!

My new favorite sandwich which Ive eaten almost everyday this week involves these five ingredients:
1)whole wheat bread
3) tomatoes
4) cucumber
5) turkey
You should try is so yummy!

And finally, I've recently been reminded of my love for Jujyfruits. Thank goodness Mary introduced me to them at her Grandma's house way back when! Somehow I went my entire childhood without eating a single jujyfruit. They must not have them in Canada.

All this talk of food is making me hungry...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Leaf Peeping

One of the MANY reasons why I love living in Vermont....

Unfortunately my pictures hardly do it justice.
I think the consensus is....I need a new camera!