Saturday, May 26, 2012


I thought she was growing out of the giberish phase, but evidently not!

At least she'll occasionally humor me with a few real words!

With only a week till my due date, the waiting game has definitely begun! I'm trying to keep busy and not think about the fact that I am a walking human furnace! Lexi can't get enough of the "Home Depot bucket filled with water" game. Keeps her entertained for hours! We've also spent tons of time at the park and zoo lately, and I managed to cram 45 people into our tiny house for a spring piano recital last weekend. It wasn't hot, at all!

(my best "hide the belly" shot ever!)

And I almost forgot...the whole family was in Toronto for Jorgen's mission farewell a few weeks ago. The first time we've all been together in almost three years. So fun!!