Ben's mom also came to visit this past week. I was so grateful to have her here! She was such a huge help. Who knew taking care of a newborn was SO time consuming...not to mention a little isolating, when all you do is sit at home alone feeding your baby all day! It was so great to have the company, and the help! We haven't eaten that well in months!
I'm on my own this week, since Ben is back at work, and my family doesn't get here till the weekend. I'm honestly wondering how people do it alone. Having a newborn is a BIG JOB! It's a good thing Alexis is so dang cute...because between the marathon feedings, constant diaper changes and lack of sleep at night, I might be feeling a little down at this point. But the fact that I get to cuddle with the most adorable little girl all day every day kind of makes all the tough stuff worth it!